Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I am a winter girl. But spring is my best season.
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Baby Elmo is hungry. I should give him something to eat.
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I am opening this letter for my dad.
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I just came back from the community park. I met Clare, Lanie and Math today. They are the same age as me. We tried to step up and slide down. I also shared my snack with them. I met Math before. Clare and Lanie came with their nanny. So they are my new friends. I heard that Lanie got deaf when she was born. But I can see she is a happy girl. She doesn't like to eat snack very much and she is very skinny. The funny thing is that Math kept saying "more" when he finished the snack my mom gave to him. Anyway, we have a wonderful afternoon today. And I miss Leo very much. It's been more than a week I didn't see him.
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Mom, I know aunt Lei was back home. Can I go to see her?
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Seeing the sky
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Only me
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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Last night, my mom made this new pink shirt for me. I like it very much. I dress it today, and many people said I am very beautiful when we were in the park.
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Outstanding view of my neck in this picture.
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"Two" means I am two years old which is because we count the ten months in my mom's tummy as a year.
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Sister Dora and I
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I have been here so many times. This is the first time I look at those ducks carefully. Now I can tell that they are very hungry. They want to have the cookie in my hand. Three of them are out of the water and walk toward me.
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I try to count the ducks using my fingers
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There are three ducks staring at me at this moment.
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I am trying to listen to what you are saying.
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Running away
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My back
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Today is terrific!

The weather is so good outside. My mom and me went to the park in the morning and then went to the Carrboro Plaza in the afternoon after my nap.
Do I look like a guitar player? I know, I know, I do not hold the guitar in a right maner, but that is the way I play it now. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Today, the weather is getting warmer. I went out with my mom and bought a lot of stuff.
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Playing around while my parents are doing something.
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I am helping my dad cooking dinner.
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